We have gathered the most asked questions in a single place for you.

Frequently asked questions

How much will my project cost?

For the monthly small business website package: It starts from $149/month which includes web design, hosting, ongoing maintenance, and the required changes.
For other projects: It depends on the services you need and many more factors, click HERE to know more about the pricing.

How long will it take to complete my project?

It depends on the project size, required features, and complexity of the project, once we have all details about your project, we will provide you a quote with timeframe and cost.

Will I need to travel anywhere to get my project done?

Nope, we are a fully remote company and we work with clients from all over the world. We are just a single click away.

What payment types do you accept?

We accept International credit and debit cards, PayPal, and wire transfers.

When will I need to pay?

For the monthly small business website package: We are offering $0 setup fee for a limited amount of time for small business website package ($149/month), we will discuss the initial payment terms with you.
For other projects: You will be required to make an initial payment to get the project started, However, we can work with you to set the best schedule to meet your needs.

Which currencies do you accept?

We usually do business in US dollars, however, we may accept other currencies if you ask us so. It would be converting currencies from USD to the one you prefer.

What details do you need to get the project started?

On the initial discussion, we will ask you for the required details about your project. It varies per project requirements.

Can you develop a custom website for me?

Yes! That is what we are best at, we design and develop custom websites and web applications.

Do you create WordPress websites?

Yes, we do create WordPress websites for clients.

How will my project be hosted?

For the monthly small business website package: We include cloud hosting for better uptimes.
For other projects: You can either purchase web hosting yourself or we can do it on your behalf, configure your hosting server as well with no extra charges. (We will suggest you the best possible hosting option making it easier for you to choose)

Can you host and maintain my project?

Yes, we do provide maintenance service with fixed monthly pricing.

Do you provide SEO services?

No. We do not provide any SEO services.

How much traffic will my website have?

We do not provide any SEO services nor any company or agency can guarantee (or give you a fixed number) any web traffic or conversion rates.

We mean quality.

Beautiful User Experience
Beautiful user experience

We care about the user experience, that is how you create a brand experience for your customers. We make sure your stunning design has a quality user experience.

Optimized for speed
Optimized for speed

We optimize all projects we build for speed, a good application is not the one that just runs, but it runs with the lowest resources possible and we deliver that.

Latest Technologies
Latest technologies

We build the projects with proven and the latest technologies. This means your project won't just have a modern design, but modern code as well.

Custom software applications
Custom applications

We provide custom software solutions for your business needs, a well-optimized custom application can help to manage your business better.

Our work process

DigitalSitara Kickstart & Analysis
Kickstart & Analysis

At this stage, we collect information from your side about your project and your requirements. We will communicate with you about each requirement you need in your project and how it is needed. We will analyze all requirements and move to the next step.

DigitalSitara Visualize

Once all requirements are analyzed and agreed on the price, we will start visualizing your project with the help of wireframes, mock-ups, or UI & UX design. You will have a choice to choose the way you would like to visualize your project.

DigitalSitara Build, Test & Launch
Build, Test & Launch

Once you are happy with the visualization of your project, we will build the project as per requirements, test it extensively and finally make it live. Further, we will guide you for any technical needs of your project if needed as well as for the management of the same.

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"It was simply great from beginning to end. Parth was very good at keeping me in the loop. He even did more than was asked of him. I was very very glad with his work. Strongly recommend to anyone."
Michael Laplume, Mayor of the Township of Potton, Canada

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"Parth was extremely professional from A to Z. Recommended. Thanks Parth!"
Kieran Duffey, Copywriter Brisbane, Australia

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"Parth is very friendly and technically savvy and seems to work all hours of the day and night! He did everything I'd asked for and more. I'll be using his services again for sure."
Niki Singh, President NationStores LLC, United States

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"Easily the best company I have ever worked with. If you get chance to employ, do it! They were available at all times, completed the work very fast and their communication skills are the incredible. Absolutely fantastic, I will hopefully be working with them again very soon."
Joshua Richardson, United Kingdom

DigitalSitara Technologies