Quality assurance & Testing

Find how your application has been built, find issues, and fix them before public release.


We make sure your software runs as it should.

Quality assurance & Testing is one of the key processes to make sure the application is good enough for public release. An untested or poorly tested application can frustrate users and make them not use your application which leads to a loss in the business, we help you to take care of that problem.

Reliability matters.

We help you to make your application more reliable by analyzing your application as a whole with a detailed report of issues and causes with guidance about the best way to fix them. We test applications extensively to provide you crucial data for your application. Prevention is always better than cure.

QA & Testing Server
  •  You already have an application built and want to have it tested.
  •  You are having specific issues with your application.
  •  You want to increase the overall quality of the system.
  •  You want the application to perform better.
  •  You want the application as secure as possible.

A well-tested application would have fewer failures as possible for the users, resulting in a good user experience for your business.

  •  Unit Testing
  •  Frontend Testing
  •  Backend & Security testing
  •  Stress Testing
  •  Acceptance Testing
  •  Static Testing
  •  API Testing
  •  Monkey Testing
  •  Performance Testing
  •  Functional Testing

And lots more goes into quality assurance & testing, we just have mentioned a few key parts of the testing, the list could go on and on with lots of testing types. The technologies used in your application and how it was built also determine how it would be tested and what tests should be performed for the same.

QA & Testing Analysis

Dependable quality assurance & testing services.

We test applications manually and automated way as well, the mixed approach gives better results than using just one method which may not identify as many issues as possible. Skilled testers know where and how to use and what to use as a test, as per your project requirements, we will execute the required tests to provide you a detailed report.

Our work process

DigitalSitara Kickstart & Analysis
Kickstart & Analysis

At this stage, we collect information from your side about your project and your requirements. We will communicate with you about each requirement you need in your project and how it is needed. We will analyze all requirements and move to the next step.

Planning & Tests Execution
Planning & Tests Execution

Once we gather all project information, we will plan the required tests and execute them for much time as possible. We will monitor the data very carefully while executing the tests.


Once tests are executed and we have all the data from the tests, we will create a detailed report for the same and send it to you with guidance about better ways to fix the issues.

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"It was simply great from beginning to end. Parth was very good at keeping me in the loop. He even did more than was asked of him. I was very very glad with his work. Strongly recommend to anyone."
Michael Laplume, Mayor of the Township of Potton, Canada

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"Parth was extremely professional from A to Z. Recommended. Thanks Parth!"
Kieran Duffey, Copywriter Brisbane, Australia

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"Parth is very friendly and technically savvy and seems to work all hours of the day and night! He did everything I'd asked for and more. I'll be using his services again for sure."
Niki Singh, President NationStores LLC, United States

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"Easily the best company I have ever worked with. If you get chance to employ, do it! They were available at all times, completed the work very fast and their communication skills are the incredible. Absolutely fantastic, I will hopefully be working with them again very soon."
Joshua Richardson, United Kingdom

DigitalSitara Technologies